General Rules & Regulations
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•Punctuality: Students are expected to attend school regularly and maintain a minimum of 75% attendance.
•Late arrivals must report to the school office for clearance. Repeated tardiness may result in disciplinary action.
•Any leave of absence must be requested in writing by the parent/guardian and approved by the Principal.
•Students must attend school on the reopening day and the last working day before vacations.
•Language Policy: English is the only language allowed during school hours for both students and staff.
•Personal Conduct:
oPoliteness and respect towards teachers, staff, and peers are mandatory at all times.
oBullying, harassment, or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated and will lead to strict disciplinary measures.
oMobile phones and other electronic gadgets are not permitted during school hours. Unauthorized use will result in confiscation.
•Prohibited Items:
oSmoking, alcohol, drugs, and any illegal substances are strictly prohibited on school premises. Violation of this rule will lead to immediate suspension and possible expulsion.
oDangerous or disruptive items such as weapons, fireworks, or inappropriate reading materials are banned.
•Parent-Teacher Communication:
oParents are encouraged to communicate with teachers through scheduled parent-teacher meetings or by appointment. Casual visits during school hours without prior notice are discouraged.
oFor any issues, concerns, or emergencies, parents can reach out to the school office for assistance
•Duplicate Document Fees: A fee of Rs. 100/- will be charged for duplicate bona fide certificates, ID cards, progress reports, fee cards, and SLCs.
•Visiting Hours: Parents may meet the Principal and Vice-Principal from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM on all working days.
•Visitor Restrictions: No student is permitted to meet anyone during school hours except authorized personnel.
•Responsibility for Absences: It is the responsibility of students and parents to cover missed lessons and homework due to absences.
•Private Tuition Policy: Parents are discouraged from soliciting private tuition from school staff to prevent favouritism. The school is not responsible for any issues arising from such arrangements.
•Post-School Pick-Up: Parents must collect their children promptly after school. The school is not responsible for student safety after school hours.
•Safety During Activities: While the school takes precautions during outings, it is not liable for any accidents or mishaps.
•Disciplinary Actions: The Principal reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct is detrimental to the moral tone of the school.
•Mobile Phone Policy: Mobile phones should not be used during school hours unless permitted for educational purposes.
•Respect for School Property:
oStudents must treat school property, including furniture, equipment, and learning resources, with care.
oAny damage caused intentionally or through negligence will result in the student being held responsible for repairs or replacements.
Uniform and Grooming Standards
•School Uniform:
oStudents must wear the prescribed school uniform, neatly ironed, along with their ID card on all working days.
•Special Uniforms:
oPhysical Education (PT) uniforms, sports uniforms, and house uniforms should be worn on designated days as specified by the school.
•Personal Grooming:
oHair must be trimmed and neat, and nails should be kept clean and regularly trimmed. The use of nail enamel is strictly prohibited.
•Hygiene Essentials:
oStudents must carry a clean handkerchief and wear polished shoes daily.
•Jewelry and Makeup:
oWearing ornaments, watches, or any form of makeup is not permitted during school hours.
• Winter Uniforms:
•During the winter season, students are required to wear customized winter jackets and blazers, along with leggings as specified by the school.
• Footwear:
•Students are encouraged to wear comfortable and appropriate footwear that is suitable for school activities.
Follow the uniform Chart