
Jajwalyaman Welfare Foundation

Jajwalyaman Welfare Foundation in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives

In the heart of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, the Jajwalyaman Welfare Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and change. This dedicated NGO is committed to uplifting the underprivileged and fostering sustainable development in the region. With a wide range of projects and initiatives, Jajwalyaman Welfare Foundation is making a significant impact on the lives of many, paving the way for a brighter future.

Our Mission: Empowerment Through Action

At Jajwalyaman Welfare Foundation, our mission is clear: to empower communities through action. We believe in the power of collective effort and the importance of addressing social issues at the grassroots level. Our goal is to create an environment where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, irrespective of their socioeconomic background.

Key Projects and Initiatives

  1. Education for All

    • Education is a cornerstone of our efforts. We run several educational programs aimed at providing quality education to children from underprivileged families. Our initiatives include free tutoring, scholarship programs, and the establishment of learning centers equipped with necessary resources.

  2. Healthcare Outreach

    • Access to healthcare is a fundamental right. Our healthcare initiatives focus on organizing medical camps, providing essential medical supplies, and facilitating health education programs. We work closely with local healthcare providers to ensure that even the most remote communities receive the medical attention they need.

  3. Women Empowerment

    • Women empowerment is central to our mission. Through skill development workshops, self-help groups, and financial literacy programs, we strive to empower women to become self-reliant and active contributors to their communities.

  4. Environmental Conservation

    • Environmental sustainability is a priority for us. Our projects include tree plantation drives, waste management programs, and awareness campaigns on the importance of conserving natural resources. We believe that a healthy environment is essential for the well-being of future generations.

  5. Livelihood Programs

    • Economic independence is crucial for sustainable development. Our livelihood programs focus on vocational training, entrepreneurship support, and job placement assistance. We aim to equip individuals with the skills and resources needed to secure stable and rewarding employment.

Recent Achievements

  • Literacy Campaign Success

    • Our recent literacy campaign has successfully enrolled over 500 children in our education programs, significantly reducing the dropout rates in the areas we serve.

  • Healthcare Initiative Impact

    • Our healthcare outreach programs have reached more than 1,000 individuals, providing them with essential medical services and health education.

  • Women Entrepreneurs

    • We have supported over 200 women in starting their own small businesses, helping them achieve financial independence and improve their family's living conditions.


The Jajwalyaman Welfare Foundation stands as a beacon of hope and progress in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Through its unwavering commitment to social welfare and sustainable development, the foundation has made a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals. By focusing on education, healthcare, and community development, the foundation continues to empower communities and foster a brighter, more equitable future for all. Join us in supporting this noble cause and be a part of the positive change we wish to see in the world.

Contact us

Jajwalyaman Welfare Foundation
B 2310 B block indra nagar Lucknow, Uttr pradesh


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