
Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon, Effective Tools in Weight Management

Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon, Effective Tools in Weight Management: Dr. Sarmil Kumar Dietician

Due to busy life, TV advertisements and showy status, many diseases arise from children to adults. The biggest disease among these diseases is obesity. This disease has become an epidemic all over the world. In the pursuit of maintaining a healthy weight, individuals often explore various natural remedies. Among these, apple cider vinegar (ACV) and lemon have gained popularity for their purported benefits in weight reduction. Dr. Sarmil Kumar, a renowned Dietician, sheds light on the potential advantages of incorporating these ingredients into one's diet.

Use of lemon and honey for weight loss

Add half a lemon, one teaspoon honey and a pinch of black pepper in a glass of water and consume it. Black pepper contains an element called piperine which does not allow new fat cells to accumulate in the body. Ascorbic acid present in lemon helps in removing the toxins present in the body. It may not be useful for all, consult with your dietician.

Consumption of Apple cider vinegar to reduce fat

Apple cider vinegar, a fermented product derived from crushed apples, has been a subject of interest in the health and wellness community. Mix one teaspoon of vinegar and one teaspoon of lemon juice in a luke warm glass of water and consume it. The Pectin fiber present in these gives a feeling of fullness to the stomach for a long time. It helps in reducing the fat accumulated in the liver. If anyone has any other problem or disease, then do not use this method.

Consumption of cabbage to get rid of obesity    

Use cabbage as much as possible in your diet. You can boil it or use it as a salad. The tartaric acid present in it does not allow the carbohydrates present in the body to be converted into fat. Therefore, it helps in reducing weight.

Low fat milk helps in weight loss

Use low-fat milk as it is low in calories rather than fat, but high in calcium and this extra calcium helps in reducing weight. For this purpose, do not use milk mixed with urea.

Can people consume fruits and vegetables while weight loss?

The place and season in which fruits and vegetables are grown are best for our body. You can ensure the quantity as per your body recruitment with the help of a dietitian.

Can we get rid of obesity through medicines?

If you also always have a question in your mind about how to deal with obesity, then it would not be good for you to use medicines because no medicine is specifically designed to work on weight loss. Some medicines can help you indirectly but they cause a lot of harm to your body in the form of side effects. Obesity is a disease which can be cured by following a good diet. Under supervision of dietician, a balanced and healthy diet along with exercise can reduce fat and weight.

Caution: Individuals with underlying health conditions or allergies should consult with a dietician before making significant changes to their diet. Only dieticians are authorized person to advice on weight gain or loss.

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Copyrights © of Dr Sarmil Kumar Dietician

SK's Diet Clinic Jhansi.

Mob No. 8810992832


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